Wednesday, March 25, 2020

How To Find An Organic Chemistry Tutor

How To Find An Organic Chemistry TutorIt is important to have an organic chemistry tutor because they are trained to help you understand complex chemical and physical substances. They will also help you with the actual study process and the class schedule.They will be in a better position to analyze your work and give you the necessary feedback. They should have very good analytical skills. A tutor should be able to give you suggestions about what you should study, what materials to take or how to do certain experiments.To find an organic chemistry tutor, one should start by taking a practice test that is available on the internet. The test is quite easy to pass. However, if you don't pass the test then you won't be able to apply for a position as a tutor. If you are qualified to teach classes then that will make it easier to get a job.Tutors who have received certification are usually paid more than others. They usually work for larger institutions and schools, so you have a wider s election of institutions to choose from. You can try to interview for a job before actually applying for it, however, it is important to be patient and keep trying.Sometimes institutions require formal certification. Check this out. Tutors are often required to provide research papers to support their lectures, so make sure that your paper contains information on the material that you will be teaching.There is a very important part of the job. It is important to find a tutor that is open to using the program in their spare time. You need to find a tutor that is going to be receptive to giving you any feedback or suggestions about the class. This is a critical part of your job, because you will need to feel that your supervisor is always willing to talk to you and wants to see improvements.It is important to ask about the job requirements, and if there are any laws and regulations that you need to follow. This will give you a great idea about what you will be expected to do, and if t hey offer training then it is more important to join because you will get more training and it will be a better experience.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Dublado versus legendado

Dublado versus legendado Quando comecei a me aprofundar no estudo do Inglês, percebi que a minha maior dificuldade não estava na compreensão escrita da língua, mas sim na minha capacidade de falar e compreender o Inglês oral. Eu era perfeitamente capaz de entender um texto escrito, porém, não tinha capacidade (ou treino) para ver um filme em Inglês sem que ele estivesse dublado ou legendado em Português. Image courtesy of Ambro / FreeDigitalPhotos.netNo Brasil, infelizmente, somos habituados a ver filmes dublados. Quando somos crianças, e ainda não temos a nossa capacidade de leitura desenvolvida, fica claro que a dublagem é necessária. Contudo, conforme crescemos, o paradigma não muda. Os filmes continuam a ser dublados, muito embora haja um movimento que luta pelo fim dessa imposição da dublagem.Claro que, se pensarmos nos níveis de analfabetismo, a dublagem continua sendo uma forma barata de trazer o que é internacional para o Brasil, sem fazer com que uma parcela da população se sinta excluída. De acordo com dados divulgados em 2012, referentes à pesquisa efetuada pelo IBGE em 2011,  8,6% da população brasileira, com 15 anos ou mais, é analfabeta. Verifica-se uma queda de 1,1% em relação a 2009, quando a taxa era de 9,7%. Contudo, ainda existem 12,9 milhões de brasileiros que não sabem ler e escrever. Por isso, faz sentido colocar a hipótese de que um dos motivos pelo qual o império da dublagem se perpetua é o número de analfabetos, ainda que países com índices de alfabetização superiores aos do Brasil também apostem na dublagem.É engraçado pensar nisso hoje em dia, mas apenas quando já era adolescente é que tomei consciência do quão prejudicial é essa cultura da dublagem. Estava tão habituada a ver os filmes assim que, quando comecei a ver filmes legendados, senti dificuldades em acompanhar a história e ler ao mesmo tempo. Até parece ridículo dizer isto, mas vivemos em um país onde as pessoas se tornam fãs de determinados atores e atrizes, muitas vezes, sem sequer ter ouvido a voz dessas pessoas! Como é óbvio, isso não acontece apenas no Brasil. Espanha e França são ótimos exemplos de países onde a dublagem de filmes e séries também é comum, mas não é porque eles fazem que a gente tem que continuar fazendo, né?Embora isso seja pouco divulgado, vários estudos (como este) apontam para os benefícios da exposição de pessoas que estão aprendendo Inglês à filmes e séries legendados, preferencialmente em Inglês, para que o aluno tenha acesso aos diálogos tanto por áudio como por texto, facilitando o desenvolvimento do seu nível de compreensão oral e escrita daquela língua estrangeira. Daí que seja fundamental, quando o objetivo é realmente aprender Inglês, que o indivíduo experimente começar a ver filmes com legendas, sejam elas em Português ou Inglês.No começo, ver filmes com legendas em Português ajuda a que você relacione o que está sendo dito com a tradução que foi feita, mesmo que, em alguns casos, as traduções possam ser enganadoras. Mais para frente, quando você já se sente à vontade com o Inglês escrito, ter acesso a filmes com legendas em Inglês permite que você associe o que está escrito com a pronúncia e treine o ouvido para construções que podem induzir a erros de compreensão, como acontece frequentemente com músicas.Tendo isso em mente, se você ainda está preso aos filmes e séries dublados, mas quer mesmo aprender Inglês, comece o seu ritual de libertação e abrace o mundo das legendas, porque, se você se aplicar no aprendizado da língua, até elas serão desnecessárias.

GCSE Poem analysis - My Last Duchess by Robert Browning

GCSE Poem analysis - My Last Duchess by Robert Browning My Last Duchess - By Robert Browning That’s my last Duchess painted on the wall, Looking as if she were alive. I call That piece a wonder, now; Fra Pandolf’s hands Worked busily a day, and there she stands. Will’t please you sit and look at her? I said “Fra Pandolf” by design, for never read Strangers like you that pictured countenance, The depth and passion of its earnest glance, But to myself they turned (since none puts by The curtain I have drawn for you, but I) And seemed as they would ask me, if they durst, How such a glance came there; so, not the first Are you to turn and ask thus. Sir, ’twas not Her husband’s presence only, called that spot Of joy into the Duchess’ cheek; perhaps Fra Pandolf chanced to say, “Her mantle laps Over my lady’s wrist too much,” or “Paint Must never hope to reproduce the faint Half-flush that dies along her throat.” Such stuff Was courtesy, she thought, and cause enough For calling up that spot of joy. She had A heartâ€"how shall I say?â€" too soon made glad, Too easily impressed; she liked whate’er She looked on, and her looks went everywhere. Sir, ’twas all one! My favour at her breast, The dropping of the daylight in the West, The bough of cherries some officious fool Broke in the orchard for her, the white mule She rode with round the terraceâ€"all and each Would draw from her alike the approving speech, Or blush, at least. She thanked menâ€"good! but thanked Somehowâ€"I know not howâ€"as if she ranked My gift of a nine-hundred-years-old name With anybody’s gift. Who’d stoop to blame This sort of trifling? Even had you skill In speechâ€"which I have notâ€"to make your will Quite clear to such an one, and say, “Just this Or that in you disgusts me; here you miss, Or there exceed the mark”â€"and if she let Herself be lessoned so, nor plainly set Her wits to yours, forsooth, and made excuseâ€" E’en then would be some stooping; and I choose Never to stoop. Oh, sir, she smiled, no doubt, Whene’er I passed her; but who passed without Much the same smile? This grew; I gave commands; Then all smiles stopped together. There she stands As if alive. Will’t please you rise? We’ll meet The company below, then. I repeat, The Count your master’s known munificence Is ample warrant that no just pretense Of mine for dowry will be disallowed; Though his fair daughter’s self, as I avowed At starting, is my object. Nay, we’ll go Together down, sir. Notice Neptune, though, Taming a sea-horse, thought a rarity, Which Claus of Innsbruck cast in bronze for me! This poem is set in 1564 and is based on the real-life Duke Alfonso II who ruled Ferrara, Italy in the latter half of the 16th century. In the poem, he’s talking about his first wife Lucrezia de’ Medici, 3 years after she died under suspicious circumstances shortly after marrying the Duke. Summary This poem is set in 1564 and is based on the real-life Duke Alfonso II who ruled Ferrara, Italy in the latter half of the 16th century. In the poem, he’s talking about his first wife Lucrezia de’ Medici, who died under suspicious circumstances shortly after marrying the Duke. In the poem the Duke is speaking to an emissary who is negotiating the Duke’s next marriage to the daughter of another powerful family. He is showing his visitor around his palace and stops in front of a painting of his late wife. The Duke then begins to reminisce about his late wife’s portrait sessions with the painter, and then about the Duchess herself. His reminiscing soon turns into a verbal onslaught of his late wife’s behaviour, where he abjectly accuses her of being overly flirtatious with everyone, and not appreciating his “gift of a nine-hundred-years-old name”. As his speech continues, the reader realises with ever more terrifying certainty that the Duke was responsible for the Duchess’s early demise, due to her worsening behaviour: “I gave commands; Then all smiles stopped together”. After making this declaration, the Duke returns back to the discussion of arranging his next marriage. As the Duke and emissary leave to return to the other guests, the Duke calls attention to his bronze statue of Neptune taming a seahorse. Structure and Language This poem is a dramatic monologue which means it’s one person speaking through the whole poem. It’s written in iambic pentameter (same rhythm as much of Shakespeare’s work) and rhyming couplets. This means each pair of lines ends with rhyming words, for example: “ That’s my last Duchess painted on the wall,/Looking as if she were alive. I call” Because it’s a dramatic monologue, this poem is structured as a long speech, which is evident in its use of varied punctuation. All of the colons  (:), dashes (-), commas (,) and full stops (.) are used to create the feeling of regular speech. This poem is loaded with rhyme because of the rhyming couplets. However, it is also loaded with enjambment which can often mask the rhymes. Enjambment is when a line of poetry ends in the middle of a thought without any punctuation. When you read the poem, you generally read straight through to the next line and so you would not pause to emphasise the rhyming words at the ends of the lines. For example, “My gift of a nine-hundred-years-old name/With anybody’s gift. Who’d stoop to blame” you would read straight through name to finish the thought which ends at the full stop in the next line: “nine-hundred-years-old name with anybody’s gift.” Thus the rhyme of “name” and “blame” is masked. The imagery in this poem is rather limited, reflecting the Duke’s admission that he is not “skilled in speech”. There is a lot of imagery about possessing objects, as well as an abundance of personal pronouns. This suggests the Duke’s selfish and self-important character. Themes of this poem reflect on wealth, status, and pride. The Duke, though a wealthy and proud character, is not seen in a good light. Despite thinking very highly of himself, the Duke comes across to the readers as arrogant and unlikable. The reader also sees that money cannot buy happiness; although the Duke is wealthy, he is insecure and paranoid about his late wife’s behavior. Overall, the author wittily shows that sometimes a person’s commentary on a subject tells you more about the person than the subject. In this case, the Duke’s repugnant personality is revealed through his commentary on his wife. For More GCSE poem analyses: Praise Song for My Mother, Nettles, The Yellow Palm, and Medusa Or for other  great GCSE resources New Maths 9-1 GCSE Five Strategies to improve Academic Performance Need anymore help with English? Find professional GCSE English tutors near you by following the link. Written by Madeleine K

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Activity based fun with Math - Aloha Mind Math - ALOHA Mind Math

Activity based fun with Math Here is a greatposton fun activities for kids. It is so great to be able to have some activity based fun with kids, and if you can add math to the picture, it can have some added advantage of helping them with the subject too. Here are some great activities that can help connect kids to math by making it fun for them: Puzzles:Math based puzzles are a great way to ignite your child’s curiosity, and you can easily make or find ones that are appropriate for kids of all ages. This can also be a great indoor activity for those rainy or cold days that the kids can’t play out of doors. You can find a lot of puzzle sites online, or even make your own that will also be an interesting craft project with your child. Food can be fun:Take your kids along to the supermarket and ask them to guess how many tomatoes make a kilo. Then move to the onions â€" you get the idea. Weighing each vegetable or fruit, and assessing numbers, then seeing the result on the scale will help your child get a clear idea on weights and balances at an early age. Algebra through play:The Montessori method has some great learning materials such as thebinomialand trinomial cubes, which help to improve motor skills in young children, as well as teach them the basics of the algebraic equations that they’ll find much easier to understand once they have understood the pictorial representation. Visual approach:Boards are now available in a variety of choices â€" from the old school blackboards which are still so much fun, to magnetic or those meant for sanded letters. Use any one you want to draw or stick objects when you want to explain to your kid what basic concepts like addition or subtraction are about. Starting with visual understanding, and then moving to the mental calculation will imprint the concept very well in your child. I hope these will make a good start to having fun with math, for you and your kids. When they are 4-5 years of age, they are also ready for concepts like learning math through Abacus, which can also help them with the subject at school. Do check out more details about our classes at:

What is the Kumon Method

What is the Kumon Method What is the Kumon Method? The Kumon Method instills in students the skills and mindset for learning new materials without being directly taught. The Kumon Program is a home-based education system that aims to develop students’ academic ability and independence. Kumon materials incorporate methods for introducing new content in a way that enables students to learn without directly being taught even after advancing beyond school grade level. Students are given an example when a concept is introduced for the first time in the worksheets. The worksheets increase in difficulty in small increments in order for students to learn on their own more easily. This makes it possible for students to form connections in their minds between the new concepts and topics they have already studied. Through individualized instruction, Kumon pursues the potential of each child to fully develop his or her academic ability and independence. The Kumon Instructor motivates students to have a sense of ownership and positive attitude towards study. During class, the Instructor observes and individually guides students by providing hints and helpful feedback. This instructional approach develops the students’ ability to reason and think logically. To fully experience all of the benefits of the program, Kumon strives to cultivate confident students who are learning material three years or more beyond grade level. Advancing beyond school grade level provides an opportunity for students to be introduced to new concepts earlier than at school in order to stay one step ahead. Being able to learn independently is a valuable skill that can drive success in school and then beyond. You might also be interested in: Why is Dual Enrollment in Kumon Math and Reading Important? How is Kumon Different from School Math? Instructor Spotlight: Lillian Brijeski No, Kumon Isn’t Tutoring What is the Kumon Method What is the Kumon Method? The Kumon Method instills in students the skills and mindset for learning new materials without being directly taught. The Kumon Program is a home-based education system that aims to develop students’ academic ability and independence. Kumon materials incorporate methods for introducing new content in a way that enables students to learn without directly being taught even after advancing beyond school grade level. Students are given an example when a concept is introduced for the first time in the worksheets. The worksheets increase in difficulty in small increments in order for students to learn on their own more easily. This makes it possible for students to form connections in their minds between the new concepts and topics they have already studied. Through individualized instruction, Kumon pursues the potential of each child to fully develop his or her academic ability and independence. The Kumon Instructor motivates students to have a sense of ownership and positive attitude towards study. During class, the Instructor observes and individually guides students by providing hints and helpful feedback. This instructional approach develops the students’ ability to reason and think logically. To fully experience all of the benefits of the program, Kumon strives to cultivate confident students who are learning material three years or more beyond grade level. Advancing beyond school grade level provides an opportunity for students to be introduced to new concepts earlier than at school in order to stay one step ahead. Being able to learn independently is a valuable skill that can drive success in school and then beyond. You might also be interested in: Why is Dual Enrollment in Kumon Math and Reading Important? How is Kumon Different from School Math? Instructor Spotlight: Lillian Brijeski No, Kumon Isn’t Tutoring

Spring AP Timeline A Week by Week Guide

Spring AP Timeline A Week by Week Guide Tips From an Orange County AP Tutor: Spring AP Timeline AP students are starting to freak out right about now. No one should blame them because the middle of May is closer than most of us think. Students who have yet to order a test prep book for their AP subjects should stop reading, tab over, and order one online immediately. Students should also consider if they will be successful studying on their own or if they need help from an Orange County AP tutor. Additionally, students are advised to remember that theres a difference between taking an AP course and taking an AP test. Test preparation is a subject in and of itself and many students who perform well during an in-class essay or exam (without the ultimate stress of a make-it or break-it exam) may not necessarily perform well on the exam. There arent any second chances or do-overs when it comes to the real AP exam, which causes many AP students to suffer from run-of-the-mill, but no less distressing, test anxiety. One of the best ways to overcome fear of exams is to be well-prepared (READ: Last Minute AP Study Guide). April 1st to April 15th The first two weeks of April are an important time for students to dive straight in to their AP exam prep. Although many students will be on spring break for one of these weeks, they are advised to make a timeline of study before going off on vacation so that they can jump into their studies the minute they return home. Students who do not already have a test prep book or a tutor are advised to look into it straight away. A great way for a student to determine whether or not they need assistance from a tutor or study group is to take one of the full-length practice tests in their test booklet. Students are advised not to view their course grades or quizzes as a fully accurate reflection of their AP exam score because the actual exam is much longer and more stressful. Although many students thrive under pressure, most lose a few points here and there due to time constraints and nerves. April 15th to May 1st This is the time when students should tell their family and friends that theyll be spending most of their time studying at the library in a quiet environment. This two-week period can be a make-it or break-it situation for countless students across the country, thus this period of time should be highly focused. Although it may not seem like it, spending two weeks cracking the books is nothing compared to the entire year a student has been studying in an AP class at school. It’s important for students to remember that they need a minimum of a “3” on the AP exam in order to receive college credit (READ: Ask a Nerd! Mastering AP English). Its recommended that students take a full-length practice test at least once a week during this time. Students should work on their own, with their study group, or with their tutor anywhere between 4 10 hours a week between April 15th and May 1st. Students should also remember to communicate with their tutor as to which areas they are struggling with the most so that they can focus in on these particular areas as a team and allow for extra time for improvement. However, students should still review areas they are scoring high in so that these topics and concepts remain fresh in their minds. May 1st to May 15th (depending on the date of the actual exam) Students are advised to continue to develop their weakest points during this period but also begin to taper off their studies in order to be adequately rested for game day. The best things to focus on during this time are general review and test prep strategies. Students can work with their tutor to determine whether or not they are a skilled test-taker or if they need help with basic process of elimination and trick questions. Its also essential that students receive a minimum of eight hours of sleep the two or three days leading up to the exam. Additionally, they should be getting adequate exercise and nutrition that will aid in their mental concentration on exam day (READ: AP Test Without the Class?). Bottom line?? Because students have made a commitment to their AP classes since last August, it only makes sense for them to follow an adequate test prep plan leading up to their May AP exams. Practice makes perfect and test prep strategies can aid greatly in the success of the exam. Two to six weeks of study now can potentially save a student from taking an entire semester-long class upon entrance to college. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us post about.

Announcing upcoming jobs in Kuwait!

Announcing upcoming jobs in Kuwait! Teach Away is currently hiring for jobs in Kuwait! Following successful North American interviews for schools in the UAE and Egypt, Teach Away is arranging upcoming interviews for teaching jobs in a brand-new American elementary school in Kuwait. Candidates who hold a valid teaching license and a Bachelors degree in Education are encouraged to apply.A degree in Elementary Education and experience or training in education technology are preferred.Jobs in KuwaitTeaching jobs at this American elementary school offer a  tax-free salary based on qualifications and experience, as well as a number of benefits for individuals hoping to teach in Kuwait:Accommodation provided by the schoolRound trip airfareHealth insurance provided by the employerSummer vacation plus time off for all national holidaysResettlement allowance to help with the cost of relocationShipping allowanceContract renewal bonusTuition discount for young dependantsFamilies and teaching couples are welcomeFor full job details , as well as a list of available positions, please see our list of teaching jobs.  Interviews will be held in Atlanta (February 19 - 20), Houston (February 22 - 23), and New York (February 25 - 26). Candidates who have already applied with Teach Away should feel free to contact janette (at) teachaway-dot-com directly to state their interest.Teach in KuwaitFlexible, open-minded teachers with 2-3 years of experience in their teaching subject should consider teaching in Kuwait as a way to broaden their experience, discover a new region of the world, and earn a lucrative salary package. Though every teacher has different spending needs and habits, jobs in Kuwait generally provide teachers with the opportunity to save a large percentage of their salaries.Kuwaiti culture is friendly and family-oriented, although teachers in Kuwait will also find thriving fashion and shopping districts. For educators hoping to work in the Middle East, teaching in Kuwait provides an excellent opportunity to experience life in this dynamic region.Looking for more information? Visit our Teach in Kuwait page for details about life and work in Kuwait.